Sunday, July 20, 2008

Discipleship School: Take Two!

We're back at it! This last week was the beginning of our second discipleship class. We got off to a great start with our 18 students. We jumped right into things this time with teachings including prayer, fasting, and also a breif overview on our need for a Savior to come. Entertwined with these teachings were thought-provoking games on leadership, trust and group dynamics. In the testiomony times we were able to see the hearts of the students and get to know each one.

One of the highlights of this fresh new week for me was the day we disscussed why Jesus came to Earth to save us. Dan began the day with simple teaching on our choice to turn our backs on God and live in sin. Then he taught on Jesus entering the scene to wash us clean. I believe this teaching was valuble for the first week because many Cambodian believers have little to no true understanding of the center of God's plan: pure relationship.

This day ended beautifully with watching The Passion of Christ in Khmer. While watching The Passion, I could not help but get choked up...even though it was in Khmer. Who could help not choking up?! We then had a soaking and worship time to reflect. To top it all, we ended with communion.

I am very excited for this class. 18 people is almost three times as many students as last time, so it can get a little overwhelming, but I know God is leading. Already we are seeing healing coming to the students hearts and the gifts of the Spirit released. Please keep the students up in your prayers these next few months as they will be challenged in many ways. God is rising a new Godly generation in Cambodia and I am so blessed to join Him in His work here! Thank you for your prayers and God bless!

1 comment:

Vintage Plaid said...

i can't believe how short your s.o is! it seems that as soon as it starts, it's over again! Congrats to the students!